-This article focuses on opposition political parties in
enhancing good governance. It proceeds to demonstrate the
potential of opposition political parties in Africa. It demonstrates
the extent to which opposition political parties can promote a
culture of good governance, taking several major opposition
political parties and events as cases for analysis across the
African continent. A desk review of various critical literatures
from selected African countries on the topic was undertaken to
provide comprehensive understanding. This paper provides a
discussion to insights on the role of opposition political parties in
enhancing good governance; holding governments in place
accountable; serving as a credible alternative to the ruling
government; promoting and stimulating debates in parliament;
training ground for future leaders; commitment to transparency
and capacity building among others. However, in most African
countries, being a member of opposition party is a dangerous
pursuit due to the harassment, imprisonment, press censorship
and the murder of opposition politicians by those in power; as a
result, this has curtailed opposition's performance of its ideal
functions. The article concludes that comprehensive policy
framework should be undertaken in understanding and
appreciating the potential role of opposition political parties in
Africa and detail the measures that can allow for stronger
parties to have a more significant role in promoting good
governance in the 21st century and moving forward.