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Relationship between contemporary management accounting practices and entrepreneurial strategies of large enterprises in Eldoret, Kenya

Show simple item record Tanui, P. J. 2022-05-31T13:08:46Z 2022-05-31T13:08:46Z 2020-05-13
dc.identifier.citation Tanui, P. J. (2020). Relationship between contemporary management accounting practices and entrepreneurial strategies of large enterprises in Eldoret, Kenya.Hybrid Journal of Business and Finance,1(1). Retrieved from en_US
dc.description.abstract Businesses in most economies contribute to the well-beingof the proprietors, community and economic development of the nation. In the face of significant number of studies focusing on contemporary management accounting practices (CMAPs) and entrepreneurial strategies, there still existed a gap. The thus study analyzed CMAPs and entrepreneurial strategies of large enterprises in Eldoret town. Basing on the accounting and decision usefulness theories, correlation survey targeted 570 enterprises. Data gathered using structured questionnaires from a sample size of 229 enterprises. From the findings, customer profitability analysis as a CMAP was widely used (mean = 3.64) while Pareto analysis was less popular (mean = 2.10). Furthermore, popular determinants of CMAPs used comprise entrepreneurial orientations, level ofcompetition, financial performance, need for financial and non-financialperformance measures. It was evident that entrepreneurial strategies had a significant (p-values< .05) relationship with CMAPs such as benchmarking (β =.318), total quality management, TQM (β=.559), activity based costing, ABC (β=.357), balanced scorecard, BSC (β=.385), strategic cost management, SCM (β=.558) and customer profitability analysis, CPA (β=.520). Consequently, significant number of CMAPs positively affects pursuance of entrepreneurial strategies by the firm. The study thus concluded that a large enterprise may possibly attain the entrepreneurial strategies if CMAPs are taken into consideration. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Journal of Business and Finance en_US
dc.subject contemporary management accounting practices en_US
dc.subject entrepreneurial strategies en_US
dc.subject management accounting en_US
dc.title Relationship between contemporary management accounting practices and entrepreneurial strategies of large enterprises in Eldoret, Kenya en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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