This paper examines the use of textbook illustrations in the teaching of reading comprehension. These are the underlying issues that emerge out of a research that was conducted in Kathiani District in Kenya, 2010-2011. The study objective was to find out how the teachers of English help learners to make use of textbook illustrations in the instruction of reading comprehension passages. The theoretical framework was based on Piaget’s cognitive development theory and Anderson’s schema theory of learning. The study used a descriptive survey approach of research. The target population constituted 26 registered secondary schools in Kathiani district. Stratified random sampling was used to select 24 out of the 26 registered secondary schools in the district. Simple random sampling and purposive sampling was used to select form two streams and one teacher of English in the sampled schools. The study sample comprised 24 form two teachers of English from the sampled schools. The instruments of data collection were: a learner reading task, classroom observation and questionnaires. The research instruments were pre-tested to establish their reliability and validity. The data collected was analyzed and interpreted using descriptive statistical techniques. This study found out that teachers help learners to make use of textbook illustrations during the instruction of reading comprehension passages. The findings of this study will enable learners, teachers, curriculum designers, course book designers, ministry of education, science and technology and Kenya institute of education to review their attention in the use of textbook illustrations in the teaching of reading comprehension.