Teaching of Physics in secondary schools has not yielded desired results in the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education examinations generally in Kenya and especially in Matayos Sub-county Busia County The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of physics practicals on students performance in Matayos sub-county Busia County Existing studies indicated that increasing effectiveness in teaching and learning positively influence performance not only in Physics but other subjects also The objectives of this study were to determine the effects of physics practical on performance to find out the nature of physics practical and to determine how frequency of physics practical influence performance A descriptive correlation study was carried out in selected secondary schools in Matayos Sub- County Busia County The target populations for this study included 15 physics teachers and 180 students totalling to 195 respondents 65 of the population will be sampled using random sampling technique Questionnaire was used to collect data Data collected quantitatively and quantitatively were analyzed using descriptive statistics such as means mode median frequency and percentages The findings will be presented in tables graphs charts The findings may be of help to educational practitioners policy makers curriculum planners in addressing performance of Physics in secondary schools