This paper scrutinises the effects of human resource capacity to implementation of Early Childhood Development and Education policy. The study was based on the Contextual Implementation Theory (CIT) whose proponent is Toole. The study used a mixed research design grounded within the pragmatism philosophical paradigm. The study population comprised of the QASOs, the Head teachers, ECDE teachers and the non-teaching staff in respective ECDCs. The sample size of the study comprised of 9 QUASOs, 27 head teachers, 81 teachers of ECDE and 27 non-teaching staff from selected public primary schools. The study utilised simple random sampling, stratified sampling and purposive sampling in choosing its study sample. The tools for data collection comprised of the questionnaire for head teachers, non-teaching staff and QASOs, focussed group interview schedule for the ECDE teachers, and the observation schedules. The study established that ECDCs in Bungoma County had sufficient, qualified, and trained ECDE teachers and head teachers had good leadership skills, however there were not enough non-teaching staff. Further, it was established that head teachers monitored the activities at the ECDCs closely leading to improved teaching and enrolment. QASOs have increased their visits at the centres although it was established that they did not cover all the required areas of supervision. The study concludes that there are a number of factors affecting the implementation of the ECDE policy in Bungoma County; human resource capacity being one of them. The study recommends: QASOs should be facilitated to cover vast areas with ease and increase the number of visits to the ECDCs. The government should train non-teaching staff on safety operations and above all hire a qualified nurse for every ECDE centre. Refresher courses on leadership and management should be organised to enhance the leadership skills that the head teachers have. Finally, teachers should be well remunerated to enhance their ability to effectively handle the high pupil-teacher ratio situation and be able to offer quality services.