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Poverty and the Poor: A Critical Reflection of the Lines People Draw

Show simple item record Rev. Dr. Manya, Wandefu Stephen 2023-09-22T08:03:15Z 2023-09-22T08:03:15Z 2018-08
dc.description Abstract: State of poverty is not a desirable condition one may not want to find themselves in. And yet poverty has over the years generated a varied and at times heated and heavy emotional debates; both in public and private places. Religion has for many centuries dictated the way people have lived and acquired property. Thus religion has had a large share of the interpretation of what poverty is and is not. People however have had their own interesting way of interpreting the dictates of religious interpretation of the poor and poverty. This paper is thus based on the lines that determine to a large extent peoples’ perceptions and attitudes in selected communities in Kenya towards those endowed with fewer resources in our communities today. Keywords: Poor, the poor, interpretation, religion, Christian faith en_US
dc.description.abstract Abstract: State of poverty is not a desirable condition one may not want to find themselves in. And yet poverty has over the years generated a varied and at times heated and heavy emotional debates; both in public and private places. Religion has for many centuries dictated the way people have lived and acquired property. Thus religion has had a large share of the interpretation of what poverty is and is not. People however have had their own interesting way of interpreting the dictates of religious interpretation of the poor and poverty. This paper is thus based on the lines that determine to a large extent peoples’ perceptions and attitudes in selected communities in Kenya towards those endowed with fewer resources in our communities today. Keywords: Poor, the poor, interpretation, religion, Christian faith en_US
dc.description.sponsorship Alupe University, Kenya en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.subject Poverty and the Poor: A Critical Reflection of the Lines People Draw en_US
dc.title Poverty and the Poor: A Critical Reflection of the Lines People Draw en_US
dc.title.alternative A Critical Reflection of the Lines People Draw en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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