Since the onset of the constitution 2010, the Kenyan community has put more weight on women empowerment. The
emphasis is more on the girl child compared to the boy child. There are several steps that have been taken to uplift
the status of the girl child; these include the creation of a special position in parliament just to deal with women
matters. Apart from these there has been deliberate efforts put in place to bring women at per with their male
counterparts by putting in place the one third gender. These efforts though laudable requires political good will.
However, there is emerging a new phenomenon that seems to pose a challenge to these political-constitutional efforts.
This is, the perception of religion and the equation of human equality. In this paper, I try to trace the female
participation in the religious and political engagements in Kenya upto 2010.
Keywords: religio-political, feminine, villagisation, gender-mainstreaming, socio-cultural
Since the onset of the constitution 2010, the Kenyan community has put more weight on women empowerment. The
emphasis is more on the girl child compared to the boy child. There are several steps that have been taken to uplift
the status of the girl child; these include the creation of a special position in parliament just to deal with women
matters. Apart from these there has been deliberate efforts put in place to bring women at per with their male
counterparts by putting in place the one third gender. These efforts though laudable requires political good will.
However, there is emerging a new phenomenon that seems to pose a challenge to these political-constitutional efforts.
This is, the perception of religion and the equation of human equality. In this paper, I try to trace the female
participation in the religious and political engagements in Kenya upto 2010.
Keywords: religio-political, feminine, villagisation, gender-mainstreaming, socio-cultural