Abstract: - Poverty and presentations of such situations have
been differently and at times adversely exegeted; bringing into
question the biblical hermeneutics that Christians the world over
subscribe to. The many interpretations have brought out varied
perception and attitudes within the Christendom. Christians and
none Christians alike of different persuasions; including
socialists, anthropologists, economists, psychologists and most of
all theologians, have come up with several convictions to the
question, ‘why poverty?’ However, one may wonder, what the
bible and bible traditions have to say about poverty. This paper
carefully examines the biblical dialogue on poverty. poverty -
difficult to define. To me, these are just but different shades of
expression of the same concept. They are but lines that people
draw concerning wanting situations that the poor people find
themselves in.
Key terms: - Poor, The poor, Interpretation, Religion, Christian
faith, Hermeneutics
Abstract: - Poverty and presentations of such situations have
been differently and at times adversely exegeted; bringing into
question the biblical hermeneutics that Christians the world over
subscribe to. The many interpretations have brought out varied
perception and attitudes within the Christendom. Christians and
none Christians alike of different persuasions; including
socialists, anthropologists, economists, psychologists and most of
all theologians, have come up with several convictions to the
question, ‘why poverty?’ However, one may wonder, what the
bible and bible traditions have to say about poverty. This paper
carefully examines the biblical dialogue on poverty. poverty -
difficult to define. To me, these are just but different shades of
expression of the same concept. They are but lines that people
draw concerning wanting situations that the poor people find
themselves in.
Key terms: - Poor, The poor, Interpretation, Religion, Christian
faith, Hermeneutics